Thursday, April 29, 2010

week 2 and 3

Darkness may reign in the goth world, but it didn't keep me from seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I made it through my untimely illness and repeated Week 2 of theP90X program. I did, however, miss two workouts: Yoga and Kenpo. Yoga was missed due to a scheduling issue and Kenpo because of a beer. One beer during the day completely zaps all my reserves of energy. A big meal seems to have the same effect. Live and learn.

I'm halfway into Week 3 and though I'm still not feeling as good as I did Week 1, I'm able to do more with my workouts. Today I completed Shoulders & Arms and Abs. I moved up to 5 lb weights on the curls, flys, and shoulder presses, but kept the 2 lb weights for tricep exercises. My boyfriend and I are looking into 7-10 lbs weights for next week. I'm also able to do more with the ab training. I can actually feel the muscle in there. Sure, it's covered with a creamy goo, but its in there..and it's getting ripped!

I wanted to mention a website/newsletter that I signed up for a while ago. A Canadian fellow, Vince DelMonte, puts out a great newsletter chalk full of helpful tips, videos, and products for fitness enthusiasts. I think he's onto something here. He doesn't promote supplements, just eating "right", his exercises are simple yet get the job done, and he uses his personal life to connect with his followers. His diet is straightforward (and he even has articles dealing with vegetarian diets), he gives you a wide variety of exercises to use, and since he's newly engaged he does videos and challenges relating to his relationship. Check his blog out and sign up for his newsletter. His programs are a tad pricey, but just the information and videos he provides for free are worth it in my opinion. Way to go Vince!

I'll be posting more about Week 3 over the weekend.

For now, stay dark...

Inspirational photo:

"Eat right, exercise regularly, die anyway." ~Author Unknown

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I have a soft center!

    Seriously, good job. I'm proud of you for going back to it, I would have used the illness as an excuse and quit. So keep up the good work!!!!
