Tuesday, April 20, 2010

week 2: revisited

I hate getting sick. Even moreso, I hate getting sick right when I've started to get into the groove of something. In this instance, I was at a crucial point in the P90X program. I could actually complete a majority of the exercises and attempt the rest with more confidence than before. I had tons of energy and the diet was going well, too.

In the past, when I was pert and young, I could blow through a cold in a couple of days and bounce back as good as new. This time, as I'm heading toward my mid 30s (sniff sniff), it seems those days of a quick recovery are over. This cold went all over the place - from throat to head, through the sinuses and then down into my chest. Fast forward more than 2 weeks later and I still have a lingering cough. But at least I feel better overall. My boyfriend, who was sick as well, persuaded me to heal up as much as possible before jumping back into the workouts. I followed his advice, but was able to start back up on Monday.

And boy could I feel the 2 week hiatus. I didn't ease back into it and ended up paying for it with some major soreness. I don't mind though since it means I'm back on board and getting my body in gear.

While on the break I stumbled upon a great website/community called veganfitness.net. It's a place where vegans and vegetarians can talk about anything health and fitness related. I was amazed at a post they had on popular vegan athletes. First I hardly new there were more than a handful, but it turns out there are hundreds!! From basketball players to competitive weight lifters, vegans are making a huge presence in the fitness community. I think this is extremely important. If vegans are shown in a light that emphasizes their strength then the days of people seeing them as weak and malnourished will be dashed to little bits. And then we could see more people exploring non-meat options! Yessss! Viva la vegan!!

Anyway, I'm back in business baby!

Stay dark...

Inspirational photo:

"Energy is eternal delight." William Blake

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you got sick but I'm glad you got back into it right away!
